Drone Image: Fall Road in Norway



EnglishMy talented daughter Line Newermann has captured this drone image of the fall colors and a road next to a lake at the bottom of a mountain, on the west coast of Norway, close to a small town called Sandnes.

Norwegian2Min datter Line Newermann, har tatt et drone bilde av høstfargene og en vei som går langs en innsjø på bunnen av et fjell.

Drone Image: Mountain Road in Norway



EnglishMy talented daughter Line Newermann has captured this drone image of a road snaking around a lake at the bottom of a mountain, on the west coast of Norway, close to a small town called Sandnes.

Norwegian2Min datter Line Newermann, har tatt et drone bilde av en vei som slanger seg langs en innsjø på bunnen av et fjell.

17th of May!



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NORWAY: Hip, hip, hooraaay for 17 of May!

Our National Holiday. “Syttende Mai” is Norway’s Constitution Day and we celebrate big! The streets will be packed with people dressed in our national costumes (the bunad) Orchestras in all the streets blasting away. Children’s parades from the schools, all waving flags, and the Russ celebrating graduating from College 🇳🇴

Norwegian2Hurra for Syttende Mai! Norges national dag, hvor vi feirer i bunader og fin stasen, med musikk i gatene, barne tog fra alle skoler, hvor alle veiver med flaggene sine. Russen feirer at de er ferdig med videregående 🇳🇴



Drone Image: Lysefjorden



EnglishMy talented daughter Line Newermann has captured this drone image showing Lysefjorden, one of Norways most famous fjords. The tourist attraction “The Pulpit Rock” (not shown in this photo), is also located on Lysefjorden.

Norwegian2Min datter Line Newermann, har tatt et bilde av en Lysefjorden, en av norges mest kjente fjorder. Man kan også finne Prekestolen (vises ikke på bilde), en aktiv turist destinasjon langs Lysefjorden.

Drone: 3DR Solo, Kamera: GoPro4Black 4k resolution